Welcome to the USS Saturn

Crew Manifest
These are the fine crew members of the USS Saturn. 
All positions that say "Available" or "NPC" are available.
To view a characters bio, click on their Species.
If there is a position you would like to play, but it is not listed on 
the manifest, please email me and I'll consider adding that position.
For more information on each position click here.
Click here to return to the main page.
Click here to complete our application.
** Signifies Department Head
Commanding Officer Steven Anderson Human Male
Executive Officer James Young Human Male
Chief of the Boat Lucius Cournoyer Human Male
Mission Operations Officer
Morale Officer
CO's Yoeman (Assistant) Delkar Cardassian Male
Chief Strategic Operations ** Pending
Asst Chief Strategic Op
Strategic Operations Officer
Strategist's Mate

Flight Operations

Helmsman/Chief Flight Ops Percy Bird Human Male
Junior Helmsman/CONN Klye Brady II Human Male
Chief Shuttle/Runabout Pilot Jeyradan  Human/ Vulcan/ DiWahn/ Xenexian Male
Asst Chief Shuttle Pilot


Chief Operations Officer ** Lenore Raven Humanoid/ Avian Species
Asst Chief Operations Officer Ra'teen Chameloid Female
Boatswain's Mate
Material's Officer

Diplomatic Corps

Chief Diplomatic Officer ** Drakir Romulan Male
Asst Chief Diplomatic Officer Satine Vance Human Female
Diplomatic Officer Aiden Lioncourt Human Male
Diplomatic Aide


Chief Intelligence Officer/ Infiltration Specialist ** John Clark Human Male
Asst Chief Intelligence Officer/ Infiltration Specialist Anesia Catalyst Geneticly engineered hybrid, of the Vulcan, & Betazoid. Female
Crypto Specialist
Counter Intelligence Specialist


Chief Communications Officer Jake Got'em Human Male
Asst Chief Communications
Communications Officer


Chief Security Officer ** Michael Francis Kennedy III Human Male
Chief Tactical Officer Anthony Zefram Cole Human Male
Security Officer John Maxwell Human Male
Tactical Officer Qalelwen Trout Centurion Male
Security Officer
Security Officer
Tactical Officer
Master At Arms
Guner's Mate


Chief Engineer ** Adrain Brooks Betazoid Male
Asst. Chief Engineer Craig T. Lowell Human Male
Warp Core Specialist Austin Tigris Human Male
Computer Specialist Cody  Pillar Human Male
Damage Control Specialist
Impulse Systems Specialist
Matter/Energy Systems Spec
Sensor Systems Specialist
Shuttlecraft Maintenance Spec
Transporter Chief
Engineer's Mate


Chief Medical Officer ** Jacob Storm Human Male
Asst. Chief Medical Officer R'Tak Akara Human/
Emergency Medical Hologram Doctor Tal'Vur Hologram Male
Staff Doctor M'Nar Talium Bajoran Male
Staff Doctor
Head Nurse
Physicians Mate 
Counselor ** Rebecca Anderson Human Female
Asst Counselor Blessing Sernia Camron Trill Female
Counselor's Mate


Chief Science Officer ** Sylvok Vulcan Male
Asst Chief Science Andy Flag Human Male
Stellar Cartographer Allissia Caephis  Hallian Female
Alien Anthropologist Daynik Vulcan/ Human Female
Science Officer
Astrometrics Officer Sevek T'prel Romulan/ Klingon/ Vulcan Hybrid Male
Language Specialist
Scientist's Mate

Fleet Marines

Marine Detachment CO** Kevin Fraught Human Male
Marine Company XO Steven Crowne Human Male
Company Commander D'Tylo Dacht Klingon/ Human Male
Deputy Comp Comm
1st Marine Platoon Commander 8 of 12 Borg (partially resotred) Male
2nd Marine Platoon Commander Rie Basoar Human Male
Marine Fighter Pilot Element Leader Zeb Nortuck Human Male
Combat Specialist
Munitions Expert


Lounge Bartender Aaron  None El-Aurian Male
Lounge Waitress None
CO's God-Daughter Amanda (Mandie) None NPC Female

"The pips graphics on this page where created by Steven Marriott, for the Tango Fleet PBE-RPG. Please do not copy these images. If you wish to obtain a copy simply go to the Tango Fleet Website, and the Ranks Page. Here you will find info regarding the Pips. Steven will happily pass along the files free of charge to anyone who takes the time to ask him for there use."