The Saturn is always looking for new crew members to help
The first step is to look at the crew
manifest and see which
Please answer the following questions and email them to
me. I will
Please note, your chances of being accepted, and your
2. Character Name 3. Character Race 4. Character Sex 5. Character Age 6. First Position Desired 7. Alternative Position Desired 8. Character's Physical Characteristics (include height, weight, hair and eye color and any other distinguishing marks) 9. Personality Profile: You want to word this as though it was part of your Starfleet record, so it should not be written in first person. 10. Family: Include parents and any siblings. Their professions are a nice touch as well. 9. Full Character Bio. (characters childhood, academy/school years, other assignments, etc.) (Little tip here: your rank and chance of getting the position of your choice will depend primarily on the quality of your bio, so take your time.) 10. Your Email Address 11. Other RPG (not limited to Star Trek) Experience 12. Additional contact information (ICQ, AOL IM, Yahoo IM, etc) 13. Have you read and agree to abide by the Rules and Guidelines? 13. Any additional information you feel we should know. 14. Sample post: Write a post responding to the following: You are in your quarters getting ready for bed when suddenly the Red Alert signals are activated. Email you application to the CO.
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