Race: Human Sex: Female Age: 24 Home : Height: 5'6"
Mother: Emily Zale-Vance. Is also a university professer in History, Brother: Zander Vance. 3 years Satine's junior, Still in Star Fleet Acadamy
Satine's father died in a fire when she was nine. Her mother was
forced to take care of her two children alone and never remarried.
Seeing her mother's determination and triumphs she was inspired to take
up anything that would challenger her, hence she joined Star Fleet.
Her joining up in turn inspired her brother to do the same. Her determination
led her to become a specialist in both military medicine and diplomacy.
However her had work has left her to be some what of a work a-holic.
She rarely finds time for fun and is not one to have fun. Most people
think of her as snobbish and rarely take the chance to get to know her.
However it is felt that if someone with time and patience would come along,
the could probably break her out of her little shell. She is also
shy, she doesn't have a lot of friends and tends to push anyone away that
she feels she might care about because she is afraid of loosing them like
her father. Her only true friends are her brother and her mother.
But again this can be remedied if the right people came along to make her
not afraid to let anyone. She is a hard worker and eager to learn
more and more about everything.
- June 2001