Welcome to the USS Saturn

Personal Information:
Name: John Maxwell
Race: Human
Sex: Male
Age: 25
Home :Earth, Scotland

Personality Profile:
 Tall(ish) human male with brown hair and green eyes, physical build average, capable of handling oneself in fist fight and impressive marksmanship.


Born to an average family in his native country of Scotland he proved at an early age he was a bright and intelligent child. Descending from a family who had served in starfleet for many years, he hoped to carry on the family tradition. Admitting he was never more than an average student, he did what he could to excel at the academy. Graduating with some distinctive merits, his first position in the field was to serve with the federation defense forces and participated in several ground based combat missions. His calmness under pressure were noticed by his superiors as well as his impressive marksmanship, earning a field commission after his senior officer was killed, he led his small group of soldiers to victory. His services were in demand as a security officer, but he chose to serve aboard the starship saturn where had already become previously aquatinted with several crewman. As a member of this proud vessels crew he hopes to prove that he has what it takes to be officer material.