Welcome to the USS Saturn

Personal Information:
Name: Kevin Fraught
Age: 36
Sex: Male
Race: Human
Marital Status: Single

Personality Profile:


Kevin was born on a small colony on one of the Federations outer planets near the Klingon border. During his youth there was an unstable relationships with the Klingons, this meant a permanent  SF Security detail was on the planet. Also there was stationed a group of Marines. Kevin went to schools and teachers pointed out his scientific abilities. But also his physical attributes were noted, his strength and speed as well as his out going nature to life. Kevin’s  parents tried to get him to join SFA at 18 and become a scientist, he refused and stayed on the planet. Joining the militia police force there. When he was about twenty a small group of Klingons tried to attack the colony. Kevin and the militia aided the SF forces on the planet. After a long battle and many men lost, Kevin was noted by the Marine Commanding Officer, a Major who offered to put Kevin forward for becoming a Marine. Kevin took up the offer and at the age of twenty one he eventually joined up with Star Fleet, but as a NCO where he was given the rank of Private first class. He spent many years as an NCO, serving on many colonies around the Federation until he was about twenty seven he eventually was offered officer training. Two years later at the age of twenty nine he became a 2nd. Lt. And an officer in the Starfleet Marine Corps.

Likes: Gambling, drinking, exercise,  ordering people about.
Dislikes: getting too emotional. Klingons, Cardassians. Smugglers...etc.
Awards Received While Serving the Saturn

- May 2001

- May 2001

- May 2001

- The Bravofleet Purple Heart. This Hall of Honor medal is issued to characters who are injured during combat missions. June 2001.

BF JM Ribbon - June 2001
GrayMist TF Ribbon - June 2001