Welcome to the USS Saturn

Personal Information:
Name: Rebecca Anderson
Race: Human
Sex:  Female
Age: 22
Home :

Height: 5'4"
Weight: 105
Hair: Blonde
Eyes: Blue
Personality Profile:
Rebecca can be very bubbley, and a lot of the times can't be serious for very long. She has a natural talent for making people laugh and smile. She has a somewhat innocent quality about her, and doesn't have a clear 
understanding on how the universe really works. A fault of hers would be she trusts just about anybody.
Mother: Ashley Anderson Counselor USS Crazy Horse
Father: Michael Anderson CEO USS Crazy Horse
Brother: Steven Anderson CO USS Saturn
Rebecca was on born on the USS Crazy horse as the youngest child, and only daughter, of Michael & Ashley Anderson. She has an older brother, Lt. Commander Steven Anderson CO of the USS Saturn.

Since Rebecca was the youngest child, and only daughter, her parents tried to protect her by sheltering her. This was very frustrating, as she saw her brother be able to do things her parents wouldn't let her do. She'd try and 
tag-along with her brother but found, in some ways, he was worse than her parents.

After Steven left for Starfleet academy, she basically knew she'd have to follow the family tradition. The problem was, she really didn't have an interest in any of the fields. The only thing that even remotely interested 
her was counseling, simply because she wouldn't have to learn any of the technical side of operating a starship.

When she turned 17 she applied for Starfleet Academy and was accepted. At the Academy everything was open to her, and she naturally explored her new found freedom. This ended when after the guy she was dating, Cadet Eric Tamalson, was caught in a high level drug trafficking operation. She was found innocent of any wrong doing, but her new found freedom was gone once again. She felt as though everyone was watching her, making sure she didn't get into any more trouble.

Hobbies: Holonovels, Gymnastics, and late 20th/early 21st century music and fashion.
Awards Received While Serving the Saturn

- May 2001

- May 2001

- May 2001

- June 2001

BF JM Ribbon - June 2001
GrayMist TF Ribbon - June 2001