Welcome to the USS Saturn

Personal Information:
Name: Austin Tigris
Race: Human
Sex: Male
Age: 29
Home :

Height: 5'11"
Weight: 180 lb
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Brown
Other: A scar on left cheek
Personality Profile:
 Tigris served on the US Nighthawk for three years as an engineer. Received a recommendation from the captain for saving the warp drive core from a total melt down.
Father: Jack Tigris a front deskman for Star Fleet
Mother: Ruth Tigris a mid-wife
Brother: Tim Tigris a helmsman for the USS Hornet 

I grew up in Indiana. I  was always the nerd. The only 12 year old that read and liked books about ship's main cores and stuff like that in my town. I went through Star Fleet academy years with a major in engineering and graduated top in my class. While on the Nighthawk I went on a mission to Vulcan for a diplomatic reasons and I went  to an newly found inhabited world for peace reasons.

BF JM Ribbon - June 2001
GrayMist TF Ribbon - June 2001