Welcome to the USS Saturn

This Week on the Saturn

This week on the Saturn has been spent kicking some serious tail in the "Where Angels Fear to Tread" joint mission. The crew has grown, and everyone has done a great job in posting.
Matters of Importance
With all the new crew members, it's going to be vitally important that you "vets" (all 2 1/2 months worth lol) help them get used to the game and how things are done. 

Also, please be sure and stop by the Index page and vote for the Saturn. That should help in recruting

Promotions, Awards and Recognition
No promotions at this time. Awards are coming up so if you have suggestions, please email me.

I do want to recognize the efforts of one of our newest crew members, Delkar. Our new Chief of the Boat has not only been posting very well, he's also spent a good deal of his time recruting other players for our ship. Thank you for your efforts Delkar.

Crew Challenge Update
Most of you are probably not aware of this fact, but the Saturn has recently joined a "race" between 3 other ships.  The challenge is to see who can have the largest number of crew. Mind you, this doesn't mean I'll be accepting weak applications, or ignoring the 3 week rule.  However, as of right now we are in great shape :). It's not official, but I would venture to say that we are porobably the fastest growing ship in the history of Bravofleet. Keep up the good work.

USS Tolkein - 38 (plus 4 pending)
USS Saturn  - 32
USS Pegasus - 30
USS Aquarius - 27 (plus 1 pending)

Posting Report

This is the posting report for the USS Saturn. 
Under "Posts" the format is total posts/posts this week.
Remember, everyone must post at least once every 3 weeks.
** Beside a names means that that person has one week to either post, or contact the CO.

Posting Report June 8 - June 15, 2001
Total Crew Posts for June 60/70 = 130

Commanding Officer Steven Anderson 46/12 4/22/01
Executive Officer James Young 29/10 4/26/01
Chief of the Boat Delkar 0/4 6/10/01
Mission Operations Officer
Morale Officer
CO's Yoeman (Assistant)
Chief Strategic Operations 
Asst Chief Strategic Op
Strategic Operations Officer
Strategist's Mate

Flight Operations

Helmsman/Chief Flight Ops Percy Bird 1/ 5/23/01
Junior Helmsman/CONN Klye Brady II 0/
Chief Shuttle/Runabout Pilot
Asst Chief Shuttle Pilot


Chief Operations Officer  Lenore Raven 0/4
Junior Operations Officer
Boatswain's Mate
Material's Officer

Diplomatic Corps

Chief Diplomatic Officer  Drakir 0/1 6/12/01
Asst Chief Diplomatic Officer Satine Vance 0/ 6/14/01
Diplomatic Officer
Diplomatic Aide


Chief Intelligence Officer/ Infiltration Specialist  John Clark 0/ 4/22/01
Asst Chief Intelligence Officer/ Infiltration Specialist Tjorn Vetheyjarsund 4/
Cypto Specialist
Counter Intelligence Specialist


Chief Communications Officer Pending
Asst Chief Communications
Communications Officer


Chief Security Officer  Michael Francis Kennedy III 10/4 4/25/01
Chief Tactical Officer Anthony Zefram Cole 0/ 6/13/01
Security Officer John Maxwell 0/ 5/5/01
Tactical Officer Qalelwen Trout 0/ 6/11/01
Security Officer
Security Officer
Tactical Officer
Master At Arms
Guner's Mate


Chief Engineer  Adrain Brooks 5/7 4/24/01
Asst. Chief Engineer Craig T. Lowell 7/5 5/30/01
Warp Core Specialist Austin Tigris 0/5 6/12/01
Computer Specialist Cody  Pillar 0/ 6/12/01
Damage Control Specialist
Impulse Systems Specialist
Matter/Energy Systems Spec
Sensor Systems Specialist
Shuttlecraft Maintenance Spec
Transporter Chief
Engineer's Mate


Chief Medical Officer  Jacob Storm 17/4 4/26/01
Asst. Chief Medical Officer R'Tak Akara 1/2
Emergency Medical Hologram Pending
Staff Doctor M'Nar Talium 0/ 5/28/01
Head Nurse
Physicians Mate 
Counselor ** Rebecca Anderson 19/4 4/24/01
Asst Counselor Blessing Sernia Camron 17/2 5/27/01


Chief Science Officer  Sylvok 12/1 5/10/01
Asst Chief Science
Stellar Cartographer Allissia Caephis  5/ 5/7/01
Alien Anthropologist Daynik 4/1 4/29/01
Science Officer
Astrometrics Officer Pending
Language Specialist
Scientist's Mate

Fleet Marines

Marine Company CO  Kevin Fraught 19/4 4/25/01
Marine Company XO
Company Commander D'Tylo Dacht 1/
Deputy Comp Comm
1st Marine Platoon Commander
2nd Marine Platoon Commander
Combat Specialist
Munitions Expert


Lounge Bartender Aaron  1/
Lounge Waitress